Look what the horse dragged in...

Welcome to wanderinghorse.net, the central online home of Stephan Beal.

FYI: as of 2024-01-02 http (but not https) access to this server, including all sister sites, has been disabled in an attempt to reduce bandwidth wastage from bots (which more than tripled between the June and December of 2023).

Steve's Laws...

Steve's Law of the Internet: If you're bored and have internet access, you're not using the internet properly.

Steve's Law of Studies: For every study there is an equal and opposite study.

Steve's Law of Cooking: A watched pot never boils, but an unwatched pot invariably boils over.

Steve's Law of Innocuous Posts: No matter how well-intentioned or innocuous any given internet posting may be, someone will take offense to it and let the poster know so.
